Episode 20 – The Procrastinator Eliminator

We all do it – we procrastinate. Sometimes to the point where we physically stop ourselves from doing something. Some times it’s a sub conscious effort so that we don’t have to do something we aren’t keen on. But sometimes it makes us miss an opportunity. Having said that, it’s not always a bad thing!

This week Oskar and Barry discuss procrastination in the business sense and talk about how to embrace this, use it to your benefit and not allow it to control you.

Oskar also talks about his new product, coming very soon. It’s called, as you might have guessed, The Procrastinator Eliminator and could be just what you are looking for. For more information check out http://smartphonecoachingsystem.com/ 

As always, if you would like to let us know you enjoyed it, or would like to nominate yourself or someone else you would like us to interview, leave a comment below or drop us a line at wishlist@swenglanese.rocks

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